Image showing EU European patent attorney Dr. Markus Borbach - Representation made in Germany.

EU based European patent attorney

Considering expanding your patent coverage to Europe? European Patents cover a market with more than 500 million consumers.

At our firm, we specialize in handling European Patent Applications, particularly those based on a foreign priority, often towards the end of the PCT phase.

According to the regulations of the European Patent Convention (EPC), applicants without residency or a principal place of business in an EPC contracting state must be represented by a professional representative (corresponding to e.g. USPTO regulations). As a professional representative listed with the European Patent Office, Dr. Borbach can act on your behalf without requiring an upfront authorization, unlike typical legal practitioners. So, expand your patent coverage to Europe with confidence.

A Quick route to an enforceable right

As a German patent attorney, Dr. Borbach can also represent you before the German Patent and Trademark office. While typically a European patent is the suitable IP right also for Germany, in some cases a German patent application can be a good alternative or addition. Moreover, the German utility model is typically registered within only three months. Hence, this really is a short path to an enforceable right. In this significant European market, a registered German utility model is a potent tool.

Expand your patent coverage to Europe with confidence

Dr. Borbach has more than 20 years of experience in representing international clients before the European Patent Office. He is aware of potential issues with patent documents drafted in accordance with various national styles and tackles them early in the proceedings to ensure that we find a quick and smooth path to a granted patent. The European Patent Office excepts English as a working language, and we are happy to submit official actions to the office in the English language and to communicate with you in English.

Questions about European protection options?
Gladly inform you personally, contact us.

Photo of business card of Dr. Markus Borbach EU European Patent Attorney.

About Dr. Borbach European patent attorney services

Dr. Borbach represents clients from Germany, Europe and around the world before the European Patent Office. As a European Patent Attorney and Professional Representative before the European Patent Office, Dr. Borbach assist clients in all relevant matters relating to European patents, such as:

  • Drafting of European patent applications
  • Filing of European patent applications
  • Adapting the specification of an international patent application to meet European standards
  • Entering the European regional phase of international (PCT) applications
    (also referred to as EuroPCT applications)
  • Prosecuting European patent applications at the European Patent Office
  • Handling the grant and validation of European patent applications
  • Handling renewal fees for European patent applications
  • Handling national renewal fees for granted European patents throughout Europe

Dr. Borbach is listed in the European Patent Attorney Register and have been acting as an approved representative for more than 20 years. Thereby, Dr. Borbach is also a member of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office.

EU Patent-Icon for European patent application

Why file a European patent application?

Filing a patent application with the European Patent Office (EPO) is the way to obtain patent protection throughout Europe. By filing a European patent application / European patent registration you can obtain patent protection in all EU countries and even beyond.
The European Patent Office is the central and single point of contact along this route. Before the European Patent Convention (EPC) came into force, national patent offices in many countries would have had to be involved. The route via the European Patent Office is of course much simpler and cheaper. Europe’s position as a key hub for intellectual property rights.

Further Information
EU Patent-Icon for european unitary patent.

What is a Unitary Patent?

The Unitary Patent or European patent with unitary effect is a single patent covering a substantial part of the EU, currently 17 states. The patent is available since June 1, 2023.
Unitary means that 17 countries are covered by one property right and that this property right can be enforced or, if necessary, challenged in a uniform manner. As a unitary right, it can only be assigned for all 17 countries at the same time.
The Unified European Patent Court (UPC) has exclusive jurisdiction over this unitary patent. This court rules on patent infringement and revocation actions.

Further Information

Extending patent protection to Europe

Extending patent protection to Europe – in many cases, a patent has been drafted and first filed outside Europe and its scope is to be extended to Europe at a later date. Typically, this is done after 12 months, at the end of the priority year, or after 31 months if an international application has been filed under the PCT.

Regarding the advantages of the PCT, Patent Cooperation Treaty, for international patent filings, we provide some further insights here. Some specific considerations for US applicants are summarized here – similar considerations apply to other international applications, usually with some country specific modifications.